Blockchain Space Towerbank

Inauguración de The Blockchain Space

El pasado 26 de febrero, 2 y 9 de marzo se realizó la reapertura del nuevo Centro de Atención El Dorado de Towerbank, llamado The Blockchain Space. Compartimos junto a más de 135 clientes y la Comunidad Crypto para presentarles la nueva casa Crypto Friendly en Panamá. Gabriel Campa, Head of Towerlab and Crypto dió las palabras de bienvenida y agradeció la lealtad de nuestros clientes como también presentó La Ruta Crypto Friendly, que es la agenda de actividades 2023 que tendremos junto a la Cámara de Comercio Digital en la Ciudad de Panamá y Provincias.

“Working at Behub is truly a pleasant experience. I love the wide glass windows that inspire me and bring my thoughts out of the box.”

Gabriel Campa
Key Highlights:


  • We are now dealing with a liberated work environment and collaborative workspaces are a subset of this new work environment. With this trend, a conventionally popular trend of building the office first and then hiring has been reversed. Despite these changes, office is a flag that stands for stability, retaining and hiring talent.
  • Working from home had its impact on employees in terms of stress and diminishing the overall well-being of the employees. In today’s world, hybrid work model, remote working, work from home will co-exist.
  • The other change which will take front seat in reimagining workspaces is the safety of employees. Offices will be designed in line with the new reality where space utilization will get monitored, behaviour adjustments will be taken into consideration and the offices will provide an environment that yields higher productivity.

While Work from home has its positives, offices are about collaboration, engagement, culture building and talent development which is only possible with physical offices. Covid-19 has accelerated a few trends like digitalization where the new age workforce have different attitudes and preferences compared to the millennials.

There is no doubt that the pandemic has highlighted the need for innovation in CRE and accelerated the growth of trends that will carry over in the coming years. With customer preferences changing rapidly along with increasing influence of advanced technology, it is imperative for commercial real estate to take note of these emerging trends and undergo a swift transformation putting the end user’s needs at the forefront.

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